Before reading the post, I invite you to watch the video,
In this week's post, I write about TIPS FOR RELAXING AND FOCUSING.
If at any time you get overwhelmed or have trouble catching sleep.
- Stop.
- Aspire, breathe and expire. Thinking and feeling our own breath.
- The best positions are as follows:
• Sitting completely straight.
• Lying also completely straight.
• In both positions, have your arms and legs relaxed. - Do it as many times as necessary until we enter the state of relaxation.
It is essential to concentrate to be the most productive person possible.
- Be clear about our tasks and our objectives.
- How to organize ourselves to be able to fulfill the previous point?
As follows:
• Sorting by theme.
• By importance.
• By difficulty. - Eliminate all distractions around us, one of the biggest distractions is the mobile.
If we must use the mobile, silence notifications and everything else that we do not
need. - Have all the necessary tools to carry out our tasks nearby.
- And water, tea, coffee (whatever you want).
- Begin with our task, totally focused on it. Do not think about the tasks already
finished or in the future. - Rest, it is essential to take small breaks, to return with more energy and without
fatigue. - Go through the tasks performed.
- When finishing one task and starting another, go doing those that are related to
each other.
The important thing when carrying out a task is to be totally focused on it.
Copyright Abogada Nathalie González y Mediadora, Creadora de Objetivo Cero
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