Before reading the post, I recommend you watch the video

As I told you in the video, here are the STEPS TO BE A PRODUCTIVE AND EFFICIENT PERSON.


  1. Use a paper or digital agenda.


  1. Write down all the tasks, prioritizing as follows and perform the most complicated ones first:
    1. The most urgent: the first.
    2. The least urgent: the second.
    3. Those that I already did, but I must review: the third.
    4. Those that can wait: the fourths.


  1. Use distinctive colors or signs to highlight and differentiate some tasks from others. For example, I use the most striking colors for the most urgent ones.


  1. Make titles and subtitles.


  1. Go crossing out as you carry out the tasks. Make a tick or whatever you like.


  1. Use post-its to differentiate or note for example calls, emails or tasks to be done first thing in the morning without fail.


  1. Set alarms for our breaks.


  1. Set alarms to eat.


  1. Check that we have completed all the tasks.


  1. Rest and sleep well to start the next day with energy. Sleep between 7 and 8 hours. Sleep is sleep, not half rest.













Copyright Abogada Nathalie González y Mediadora, Creator of Objetivo Cero Víctimas

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