Before reading the entry, I recommend you first watch the video, which deals with THE ATTRIBUTION OF THE HOUSING AFTER THE DIVORCE EXISTING MINORS.
- Don't use this process to get back at the other person.
- Try to be mutually agreed, or requested by one with the consent of the other.
- If it is contentious, speak of the other party with respect, not with insults or humiliations.
- Try to agree with the other the distribution of the joint property company when there are, for example, two assets of the same economic value. It is better for the parties to choose how to make that fair distribution than for the judge to do it.
What is it?
It is a document in which the two parties agree before the divorce process or involved in it. They set the rules regarding the issues in which, despite the divorce, they will both have to continue to participate. For example: relationships with children, alimony, compensatory pension, attribution of family housing, custody of animals, etc.
What minimum content should it have?
- If there are minors: their care, the visitation regime and communication with their grandparents, the best interests of the minor must always prevail.
- Attribution of the use of the home and family furnishings. It is necessary to differentiate if there are minors or not. I refer you to the video.
- The contribution to the marriage and maintenance charges, considering their updating bases and guarantees.
- The liquidation of the economic regime of marriage.
- The compensatory pension, when applicable.
The important thing is that the divorce process is as emotionally less costly as possible, both for the parties and for the minors involved (if they exist).
Copyright Abogada Nathalie González y Mediadora, Creator of Objetivo Cero Víctimas.
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