- The use of a mask. MANDATORY by public transport from Monday, 4 May and also in establishments.
- The use of gloves.
- It is important to maintain a safe distance of at least 2 meters.
- Frequent hand washing.
- Disinfect our work tools.
- Disinfect the mobile.
- Always carry a bottle of hydroalcoholic gel.
- The clothes we use for the street, do not wear them at home. It is better when we get home, shower and change our clothes.
- Use teleworking as much as possible.
- I always attend by appointment.
- Always maintain a safety distance of at least 2 meters.
- Always with a mask, both the client and me.
- All the documentation to be delivered will also be done using gloves.
All these measures contribute to the end of this pandemic situation as soon as possible. And you can return to a certain normality.
Quote: "We must be responsible, with others and with ourselves."
Copyright Nathalie González
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