Before reading the post, I recommend you watch the video https://youtu.be/xfcozOnQrAM, FEMINISM: Questions and Answers.

In the post, I write you some information about the FEMINISM.

Who was the first feminist in history?

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Mexican, was born in 1651 and died in 1695. She became a nun “to be able to think.” With her example, she paved the way for “women to be able to teach terrestrial sciences to others in order to gain access to celestial ones”.

In her lyrical work, she writes about female fluids, such as menstruation and flow, to give them due importance to women in the cycle of life.


Some of the most relevant figures of her (the rest can be found here https://www.instagram.com/tv/CMK8Wk7Kd0Z/?igshid=1504sbfhehoor):

Olympe de Gouges (France, 1748-1793). Playwright, pamphleteer, political philosopher and writer. The most relevant work of her “The Declaration of the Rights of Women and Citizen” (1791). In addition to her important appeal in which she asks women to wake up and defend their rights, since they were taken from them by men.

Mary Wollstonecraft (England, 1759-1797). Pioneer of the feminist movement in Europe. She grew up in a family where her father was a batterer and her mother a submissive. Having to educate her sisters, she decided to move away from those concepts of gender.

Her book “Vindication of the rights of women” (1792), denounced that the conception of women was the following “stupid, superficial and a toy.” She questioned education because “it makes us weaker of character than we otherwise might have been.”

She referred to her as “the first of a new gender”, always opposed to marriage.

Margaret Fuller (USA, 1810-1850). “If you ask me which office women should fill, she answered: 'anyone…; they will be sea captains, if they want to.' I have no doubt that there are women well equipped for such a job.” She is one of the forerunners of feminism and the education of women. She was the first female journalist. “The woman of the XIX century” (1843), is her book in which she examines the role of women in patriarchy.


Nawai El Saadawi (Egypt, 1931). In her book “The woman and sex” (1972) she criticizes the removal of the clitoris, which she suffered when she was 6 years old. Her phrases: “Feminism is freeing the mind from the patriarchal system, religion and capitalism” and “A woman is independent when she feeds herself.”


Malala Yousafzai (Pakistan, 1997). In her book “I am Malala” she declared "I am a feminist and we all should be because the word feminism is nothing but equality." She considers that it is essential from an early age to educate girls and boys with the ideas of feminism.


Copyright Abogada Nathalie González y Mediadora, Creadora de Objetivo Cero Víctimas.

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