

Before reading the post, I invite you to watch the video ACCIDENT TELEWORKING, https://youtu.be/eJS31eF6T7s.

Next, I transcribe article 156 of the Consolidated Text of the General Law of Social Security in Spain (TRLGSS), which refers to the work accident. Specifically, this article provides the following:


    1. “A work accident is understood to be any bodily injury that the worker suffers on occasion or as a consequence of the work that he performs as an employee.”
    2. The following will be considered work accidents:

      1. Those suffered by the worker when going to or returning from the workplace.
      2. Those suffered by the worker on the occasion or as a result of the performance of elective positions of a trade union nature, as well as those that occur when going to or returning from the place where the functions of said positions are exercised.
      3. Those that occur on the occasion or as a result of the tasks that, although different from those of his professional category, the worker executes in compliance with the employer's orders or spontaneously in the interest of the proper functioning of the company.
      4. Those that occur in rescue acts and others of a similar nature, when both have a connection to work.
      5. Diseases, not included in the following article, contracted by the worker as a result of the performance of his work, provided that it is proven that the disease was exclusively caused by the execution of the same.
      6. Illnesses or defects, previously suffered by the worker, that are aggravated as a result of the injury constituting the accident.
      7. The consequences of the accident that are modified in their nature, duration, severity or termination, due to intercurrent diseases, that constitute complications derived from the pathological process determined by the accident itself or have their origin in conditions acquired in the new environment in which the patient for his cure.”
    3. It shall be presumed, unless proven otherwise, that the injuries suffered by the worker during the time and in the workplace are constitutive of an work accident.”

    Copyright Abogada Nathalie González y Mediadora, Creadora de Objetivo Cero Víctimas.

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